Buddha Birth Day Festival Logo
Faith & Legacy

14 May - 16 May
9am to 5pm

Chung Tian Temple
1034 Underwood Rd, Priestdale QLD 4127

See & Hear

Bathing the Buddha

Courtyard (within Lumbini Garden)

9:00am to 5:00pm

Since ancient times, Buddhists all around the world celebrate the Buddha’s birthday by using fragrant water to bathe the statue of the infant Buddha – Prince Siddhartha.

The act of pouring fragrant water three times over the shoulder of the infant Buddha holds much significance as it symbolises the purification of our body, speech and mind to cultivate wisdom. The universal message is that, “it is easy to wash away physical dirt, but much more difficult to cleanse one’s inner impurities of anger, greed and ignorance.”

Come and partake in this meaningful ritual by following the steps to bathe the Buddha.

Volunteers Participating in Bathe of the Buddha Dharma Service
Public Participating in Bathe of the Buddha Dharma Service

Bathing of the Buddha Procedure

Use the ladle to pour water three times over the shoulder of the statue of the infant Buddha.

For each pour, say quietly and with sincerity, the following lines:

May I eliminate evil thoughts,
May I cultivate good deeds,
May I be of benefit to all sentient beings.